No, not another boba place again!
That was the first thing in mind when I first saw their sign go up during construction. Yet, I’m intrigued and being the Chicagonista that I am, I want to know what makes them want to open up another Asian drink place in the same area where Joy Yee is king when it comes to boba or bubble (tapioca) tea drinks. Not to mention that almost every restaurant in Chinatown Square has a large selection of boba tea drinks in their menu. Thankfully, we (Nancy Loo and me) were invited on an exclusive visit to give them a try. When asked which beverage to try, I couldn’t honestly think of what it was I wanted to taste. I said that I had my share of boba drinks(tapioca bubble drinks) and so I’d like for them to surprise me. Right away Jin, their Tea Mixologist, said that it was about their Sea Salt Milk Foam drink, a very popular Taiwanese drink is the one that sets them apart from all the places in Chinatown. The tea drink was deliciously smooth and refreshing. I’ve never had anything like it!
The bakery came in as a surprise, too. Given that the place is called Bingo Tea, I didn’t think much about the importance of their baked goods. I was proven wrong. Very wrong. Just like how passionate they were with their drinks, they were even more ardent about their bread. Their soft European Bread is truly above and beyond in comparison to those I’ve tried in Chinatown. To me, this is their gem! It was unforgettable.
We also learned that all partners equally went through professional training in mainland China to master the production of their products. It was also important to them that we understood the kind of dedication they have in using quality ingredients. Teas were hand-picked and only the highest quality in baking ingredients are used.
I highly recommend the Mango Cream-Filled Bread and the Jin Feng Black Tea flavored Sea Salt Milk Foam drink that I tried. Another one not to miss is their milk candies!
Bingo Tea’s grand opening is on August 24th.
Bingo Tea
Chinatown Square
2150 S Archer Ave
Chicago, IL 60616
(312) 328-6668
Live the #ChicagonistaLife with us! Enjoy the food, fun, fashion, and friends with @NancyLoo & @MJTam