Steve Harvey on Success with Strayer University

Twitter Photo by @DeirdraH_Straye
Twitter Photo by @DeirdraH_Straye

Strayer University partnered with author, talk show host, and comedian Steve Harvey on a Success Summit held here in Chicago.  The event was attended by past and current students of Strayer University that flew in from everywhere around the country to hear Steve Harvey speak and more importantly share their own struggle and success stories. Steve Harvey’s funny candor and quips quickly won attendees where he smacks you down with straight-forward lessons on success.

“Your setback is just a setup for your comeback.”

“If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you will keep getting what you’ve been getting.”

Harvey inspired attendees with those words at the Success Summit. Strayer University’s student demographics are working adults looking to get a college degree and in search of advancements in their career, so you can imagine how Harvey’s quotes at the Success Summit soundly resonated with his audience. Often in social media we are inundated with how-to-be successful list. There’s’s  10 things Entrepreneurs Never Say or‘s Things Successful People Do Before  Breakfast, but this Strayer Success Summit was quite different. Harvey had the audience dig deep down amongst ourselves on what success would mean for them and not according to someone else’s life.

Strayer also partnered with the famous YouTube Channel, Soul Pancake, to create a series of Success Project videos.

What’s Your Definition of Success?

According to Strayer

Sharing A Cup of Success:

Steps To Success:

Shout it Out!

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