Pampered Chicagonistas @ Pampered Chef HQ Tour


The holidays are creeping up around so I’m sure a lot of us are thinking or planning if not already running around for some party stuff. We need new plates, kitchen tools, and of course some fresh and holiday stuff. So when Pampered Chef invited the entire Chicagonista staff to go and visit the HQ, you would think that we were invited to see and shake hands with the Beatles! We all couldn’t wait to be part of it. So off we went to Addison, IL where Pampered Chef’s Headquarters are located.

History Wall
History Wall

We started out on a little Pampered Chef wall history tour . It was interesting to hear that a lot of us had no idea that this company hailed from Suburban Chicago’s home basement in 1980. It was great to see collections of some hits and miss products, and really fascinating to see how this company has grown into a household name.

After the wall history tour, we were then ushered tothe HQ’s main kitchen. We were welcomed with the sounds and smell of the holidays. The cookies, cranberry fizz concoction, and the warmth of the staff brought us all in such cheery mood. We got see and try some quick and easy recipes and best of all, we got to see some awesome kitchen gadgets.

Thank you Weber Shandwick for inviting the Chicagonistas for a wonderful and memorable experience at the Pampered Chef HQ.

Here are some of our Chicagonista writer’s posts from their own personal blogs.

Dwana De La Cerna of House On A Hill

Jennifer Luby or Second City Soiree

Duong Sheahan of Live Healthier and Happier

And a video from Dawn Bertuca and Tina Bishop of Girlfriend Celebrations

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