Just when new parents think they’re done with milk & diapers, parents suddenly get an unexpected smack in the face dealing with a budding young adult! Almost instantly – long gone are the days when these new parents-of-teens can decide what, where, and why their young ones should, eat, and sleep. These newly teenaged creatures are suddenly the king of themselves: ravaging everything in the fridge, finding their parents’ mistakes to use as ammunitions, and even sleeping all day if they can. Most will say that teenagers are on search for who they are and what they stand for. So while these teenagers are trying to figure out things for themselves, their parents also happen to be in the same boat. Only rowing against each other almost all the time.
Teens communicate differently from what parents know. At most times these teens are sending smoke signals for help and parents cannot decipher all of it. Most feel that as long as parents provide the loving and understanding environment then all will be well, but I beg to differ. I think we need to speak their language so they can understand us better! But how do I learn to speak their language?
Like all parents, I worry about everything. From my teen son’s school, work, relationships, and more. The drug and alcohol usage topic is one that I fear of the most. I worry about my child having to resort in using them for comfort or entertainment. This is one reason why I’m happy to join in tonight’s Twitter Chat with Rosecrance. “Rosecrance is a private not-for-profit organization offering behavioral health services for children, adolescents, adults and families throughout the country.”
On Tuesday, January 27 at 7 p.m. CT, Rosecrance will host a one-hour Twitter chat moderated by @RosecranceNews and featuring Dr. Thomas Wright (@TeenAddictionMD).
“The #InMyShoes chat will focus on offering parents tips and strategies for talking to their teens about tough issues such as teen substance use and abuse, helping them understand what it is like to walk in their shoes.
This is a time when parents need to be involved in their teens’ lives and help them navigate complex issues. While many parents may think of their teens as grown-ups, teenagers have said this is a time when they need their parents the most, especially on tough topics.”
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