“Badass” came to mind when I had a chance to see and hear tattoo-cladded Chicagoan Dr. Amy Lehman speak on her project at the Makers Women luncheon. There I learned that Lehman is the founder of the Lake Tangkanyika Floating Health Clinic. The clinic’s goal was to provide health care services to about 3.5 million people living in the shoreline of Tangkanyika. Dangerous and underdeveloped areas surrounding this 2nd largest lake in the world like Congo, Zambia, and Tanzania has no access to any functional healthcare system and so Lehman started working in building a ship that will have operating rooms, laboratories, and even water ambulances.
So, yeah. She’s badass for sure! She even proudly showed me the map of Lake Tangkaniya tattooed on her back. Her reason for that? She’ll never have to carry one or get lost maneuvering around that area. Not sure if that’s even a joke, but you can never take Dr. Lehman’s words lightly.
Lake Tanganyika Floating Health Clinic from Insurgent Media on Vimeo.
Compelling voices of inspiring women like Dr. Lehman are featured in MAKERS, a video initiative website featuring trailblazing women like Hillary Clinton, Alice Walker, Carol Burnett, Madeline Albright, and many more. PBS will also be doing a a 3 hour documentary, “MAKERS: Women Who Make America” that will tell the story of the Women’s Movement over the last half century that will be airing on Feb. 27th.
To see more videos, you can visit Makers.com and even follow them on Twitter @MAKERSwomen or Facebook /MakersWomen
Watch MAKERS: Women Who Make America Trailer on PBS. See more from Makers: Women Who Make America.
Chicagoan Dr. Amy Lehman, the courageous MAKER http://t.co/p8qNuZpC via @chicagonista @makerswomen
Chicagoan Dr. Amy Lehman, the courageous MAKER http://t.co/fpeNHbkl
Thanks @mjtam for the great @Chicagonista piece on Chicagoan Dr. Amy Lehman and our Chicago lunch! http://t.co/83G4gnGA @LTFHC @PBS @AOL
Pleasure was all mine! RT @makerswomen: Tnks @mjtam 4the @Chicagonista piece on Dr. Amy Lehman and our #Chicago lunch! http://t.co/C542Xrb4
Chicagoan Dr. Amy Lehman, the courageous MAKER http://t.co/ZYHlRLD0